Taiwan Navy Ships Visit

The trio of ROC Navy ships that will visit Majuro in March and May of 2016. Photo compilation: Karen Earnshaw
March, 2016: Three Taiwan Navy vessels will be in Majuro from March 23 to 25 as they voyage from their home port to Central America. Known as the ROC Naval Goodwill Squadron, the ships are the flagship Pan-Shi and two frigates, the Kung-Din and the Cheng-Ho. They have on board 730 officers, midshipmen, and sailors. The squadron is being led by Rear Admiral Hu, Chih-cheng.
Fun parts of the ships’ visit will be on Thursday, March 24: At 2pm, the squadron’s basketball team will play a game against the RMI team at the Sergeant Solomon Sam court at the College of the Marshall Islands. This event will be followed at 4pm by a performance by the squadron’s drum and bugle marching band and a display of martial arts at Delap Park.
The flagship Pan-Shi will be open to the public at Delap Dock from 9:30am to 3:30pm on Thursday, March 24.
On Friday, March 25, there will be a Taiwan and RMI flag-raising ceremony at Delap Dock at 8am.
The fleet is scheduled to return to Majuro in May as it voyages home from Central America.