Pianist at MIR Feb. 24

Roman Rudnytsky. Photo: Unknown
Concert pianist Roman Rudnytsky is returning to the Majuro stage for his fifth tour of the islands and will perform on Wednesday February 24. This year’s concert will be held at the Marshall islands Resort’s Melele Room. MIR will provide a no-host bar for thirsty concert goers. Neal Skinner has chipped in by offering to have Rudnysky stay at one of EZ’s comfortable downtown, modular apartments. Those who can not attend will (probably) be able to listen to the concert live on Radio V7AB (A.M. 1098 kHz or http://radiov7abmajuro.listen2myradio.com/).
The concert is expected to start at 8pm. For more info, contact Scott Stege at (692) 625-3107.
Earlier the same day, Roman will visit students at a number of schools around Majuro. After playing in Majuro, he will perform in Kwajalein, Saipan and Guam.
Background: Roman Rudnytsky’s frequent performances have taken him all over the world and he is now one of the most traveled concert pianists, having played in about 95 countries.
In addition to performances in capital cities and important musical centers, he often plays in places away from the musical mainstream, bringing the world and pleasure of classical music to audiences who seldom experience this type of music in live performance. He has received much acclaim in the world’s press and many return invitations.
Born in New York into a prominent Ukrainian musical family, he began the study of piano at age four and gave his first full recital at age seven. He is a graduate of the famous Juilliard School in New York and also did additional studies at the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore, Maryland and at master-classes in Austria (the “Mozarteum”) and Italy.