Maloelap Atoll
Number of islets: 71 Population RMI Census 2021: 395 (219 males 176 females) Land area: 3.79 square miles Lagoon area: 375.57 square miles (largest of the Ratak Chain) Airstrips: Tarawa and Kaben Yacht permit fee: $25 Mayor: William Saito Nitijela Member: Bruce Bilimon
Maloelap is one of the most popular atolls with cruisers visiting the Marshall Islands. This is partly because of its relative closeness to Majuro and partly because it has a number of good anchorages and multiple villages. The images in the above slideshow were taken by Lanny and Ginger on the yacht SwiftSure. They visited Maloelap in early 2017.
Luc Callebaut and Jackie Lee of the Yacht Sloepmouche kindly gave me permission to include his videos on my site. Komol Luc and Jackie!