Former Secretary of Internal Affairs, Daisy Momotaro, with weavers on Namdrik Atoll. Photo: USP
USP Director Dr. Irene Taafaki with Namdrik’s Tarben Jake. Photo: USP
Proud apprentices with their jaki-ed (clothing mats) following the Namdrik weaving apprenticeship. Photo: USP
USP’s Director Dr. Irene Taafaki speaks at the weavers’ graduation ceremony. Photo: USP
Apprentice weavers at their graduation on Namdrik Atoll. Photo: USP
Nancy Ejia was one of the apprentices in the 2013 Namdrik jaki-ed workshop. Photo: Susan Jieta
Namdrik’s Sera Hosia prepares to cook the pandanus leaaves. Photo: Susan Jieta
Namdrik’s Mauna Gideon harvest hibiscus stems for use in handicrafts. Photo: Susan Jieta
Namdrik’s Neija Kinion lays dried pandanus leaves (maan) in the sun. Photo: Susan Jieta
Apprentices in the jaki-ed (clothing mats) workshop held on Namdrik Atoll in 2013. Photo: Susan Jieta
Expert weaver Patsy Jibas with Jibas Mary at a ceremony for the jaki-ed program on Nadrik. Photo: Susan Jieta
Namdrik Atoll in the Marshall Islands
Number of Islets: 2 Population RMI Census 2021: 299 (155 males, 144 females) Land Area: 1.07 square miles Lagoon Area: 3.25 square miles Namdrik yacht permit fee: $25 Namdrik Mayor: Clarence Luther Nitijela Member: Wisely Zackhras
Namdrik is one of the most southerly atolls in the Marshall Islands. It’s about 250 miles from Majuro and has just a little more than one square mile of land. Namdrik’s Nitijela Member is Wisely Zackhras, who was first elected in November, 2017, following the death of his brother Mattlan, who held the role for many years. Matt and the Mayor, Clarence Luther, were very pro-active in improving conditions on the atoll through developing various projects, including the farming of black pearls. The pearls have a high value, are easy to transport, and are non-perishable. The fact that Namdrik’s lagoon is enclosed, with no pass for boats, means it is pristine and perfect for growing pearls. Namdrik is the only place in the Marshall Islands where Black-lip pearl oysters are present in significant quantity, due to its enclosed pristine lagoon. The project is assisted by a group called Seacology, which also funded an education and surveillance center. Below are scenes from the Namdrik pearl project generously provided by the late Senator Matt.
Scenes of the Namdrik Pearl Farm 15. Photo Matt Zackhras
Scenes of the Namdrik Pearl Farm 14. Photo Matt Zackhras
Scenes of the Namdrik Pearl Farm 13. Photo Matt Zackhras
Scenes of the Namdrik Pearl Farm 12. Photo Matt Zackhras
Scenes of the Namdrik Pearl Farm 11. Photo Matt Zackhras
Scenes of the Namdrik Pearl Farm 10. Photo Matt Zackhras
Scenes of the Namdrik Pearl Farm 9. Photo Matt Zackhras
Scenes of the Namdrik Pearl Farm 8. Photo Matt Zackhras
Scenes of the Namdrik Pearl Farm 7. Photo Matt Zackhras
Scenes of the Namdrik Pearl Farm 6. Photo Matt Zackhras
Scenes of the Namdrik Pearl Farm 5. Photo Matt Zackhras
Scenes of the Namdrik Pearl Farm 4. Photo Matt Zackhras
Scenes of the Namdrik Pearl Farm 3. Photo Matt Zackhras
Scenes of the Namdrik Pearl Farm 2. Photo Matt Zackhras
Scenes of the Namdrik Pearl Farm 1. Photo Matt Zackhras
Journal 3/30/1982 P1 Japan to pay $1,250,000 for fishing rightsThe Marshall Islands and Japan recently signed a new fisheries agreement that will be in effect for one year beginning on April 1, 1982, according to the Department of Foreign Affairs. Japanese boats will be licensed to fish in Marshallese waters in return for a cash […]
The long-planned rock seawall on the southern end of Ebeye Island in Kwajalein is starting to take on a significant shape. According to the website of one of the contractors, Royal HaskoningDHV, the seawall will use about 65,000 tons of armor rock, which is heavy natural stone used for coastal protection and erosion control. The […]
A multi-agency group boarded and inspected five international vessels using port Majuro earlier this month. While it served as a training exercise for the 19 officers from five different ministries and agencies, it was also a hands on inspection that resulted in two of the five vessels being found “substantially non-compliant with international convention requirements.” […]
KAREN EARNSHAW After a few shipping delays, work deconstructing the capital building is now underway with a vengeance and is expected to be “completed in two months,” Pacific International Inc.’s Executive Project Manager Bobby Muller said Monday. PII brought in a big yellow “heavy excavator” to do the muscle work on tearing down the iconic, […]
WILMER JOEL Marshall Islands wrestler JR Bremen Leban will return home next week with gold and bronze medals. JR represented the RMI in the Oceania Championships Senior Under-20 and Under-17 wrestling championships in American Samoa last week. He defeated New Zealand and Australian wrestlers to win the gold medal in the first segment of the […]