Razz Rocks on Bikini

In May of 2016, almost exactly 70 years after Operation Crossroads detonated an atom bomb over its lagoon, a film crew from Natural History New Zealand, Stanford University researchers, and a traveling electric violinist stepped onto the radioactive shores of Bikini Atoll. The team went to examine the long term fallout from the twenty three Read More
Yellow Pages Guide

This is the nuts and bolts guide to finding things in Majuro and being able to contact the right service for your needs. The guide is updated, hopefully, on an annual basis. The following was edited on January 2, 2025 as part of my New Year’s Resolution list. Karen Enjoy … I hope it’s useful!
Katty’s Mail Service

You need or want a product, but you can’t work out a way to ship it to Majuro or Ebeye because your favorite online store (Amazon?) either won’t send it here or the vendor in the US refuses to ship to 96960. The options to achieve your goal are: 1) have the item sent to Read More
The Final Years of Majuro

A Wendover Productions Documentary
About the Video KAREN EARNSHAW December 10, 2019. Incoming email from Wendover Productions: “We’re a small US-based digital media production company that’s been contracted by a streaming site called Nebula to produce a series of 45-minute documentaries relating to isolated places. The first of these was released last week, about St Helena, and we’re now Read More
A Look Back in Time

"The Most Memorable Holiday We Ever Had"
KAREN EARNSHAW Former Peace Corps volunteer Dave Moss, who grew up in Richmond California, arrived in the Marshall Islands in July, 1968 to work as a teacher. First he taught at Rita Elementary and then moved on to Marshall Islands High School. He shared a house with Ron Levy, who worked with a number of Read More
Get The Marshall Islands Journal

Meet most of the team that has long been the creative muscle that makes up The Marshall Islands Journal and its digital replica, the Journal Online. Every week we email the Journal Online to hundreds and hundreds of subscribers around the world so they can read all of the latest news, opinions, and cartoons, and Read More
Darlene Keju’s speech at WCC

A significant link between the World Council of Churches and the Marshall Islands is the historic speech given by Ebeye’s Darlene Keju Johnson at the Pacific Plenary of the World Council of Churches* Assembly at Vancouver, Canada, in 1983 (see video below). According to an article on Wikipedia, Darlene was a pioneering critic of the Read More
Marshall Islands Seal

The official seal of the Marshall Islands was approved in 1986. Follows is what is symbolizes: The centerpiece is the Angel of Peace with outstretched wings. Around the angel from the top and moving clockwise are the following… First, is the 24-point star representing the 21 municipalities of the Republic. The four long rays represent Read More