Mini English-Marshallese Dictionary

Featuring Karen's island alphabet series!
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart. — Nelson Mandela For more wonderful information about the Marshallese language, check out the site by Marco Mora-Huizar: – Language and Tools Marshallese is Read More
The Acronym Jungle

While you were away, the MIJ reported that MEC had a power outage, MWSC upped the water days to seven, MISSA won a case in court, water flooded the ECC, and, FYI, I’ve switched my money from BOG to BOMI. Acronym heaven: One aspect that’s extremely likely to send you up a tree in your Read More
Language Introduction

After living in the Marshalls off and on for 15 years, the number of Marshallese words and phrases I know and use are pathetically few. ‘Hello’, ‘how are you?’,’ see you tomorrow’ and ‘can I have another glass of white wine’ are about the limit. This is for four reasons: I’m lousy at learning Read More
Practical Marshallese

Former WorldTeach volunteer Peter Rudiak-Gould spent a year on Ujae Atoll in the early 2000s and wrote a book of his adventure called Surviving Paradise. A linguist, he also wrote a book called Practical Marshallese, which he is generously willing to share. You can download the pdf here: Practical Marshallese Peter is now Dr. Peter Rudiak-Gould, having Read More