Ailuk FAD

The Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority is working on a long-term project to place Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) off many of the outer islands to attract ocean-going pelagic fish such as marlin, tuna and mahi-mahi and make it easier for the islanders to catch these fish. The following is the statement from MIMRA about their latest Read More
Wasabi’s for Sale

Fishing/dive boat for sale: Wasabi is 26ft, has a Cummins diesel shaft drive, pilot house, and comes with an aluminum trailer. The price is $45,000 or best offer. Contact Cary caryevarts @ (no spaces). Wasabi is perfect for fishing and diving in and around Majuro and Arno and has done a number of trips Read More
Kwaj Tourney Winners

Team Jambo (aka PII) took out first place in the First Place Total Pounds in the 77th Kwajalein Day 2021 First Memorial Fishing Derby held on February 12 and 13. Larry Hernandez kindly shared the video with this site. The winning team consisted of: Captain Kenneth Kramer, Chief Mate Joseph Bigler, Fishing Master Joseph ‘Jojo’ Read More
MIMRA Looks To The Future

Reimaanlok: Looking Towards The Future Must-watch movie In October 2019 the Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority (MIMRA) set out on a Pacific Islander-led expedition to two of the Republic of the Marshall Islands’ (RMI) most remote atolls, Bikar and Bokak. The goal of the expedition was to conduct the country’s first ecological assessment of these Read More
Fish or Dive on Wasabi

Cary packed a year’s worth of ocean sport fishing excitement into half a day! — Grant Bilyard, who chartered Wasabi with a few mates in February, 2016 Owned by Cary Evarts, Wasabi is a 26-foot boat with comfortable seating and a huge cooler. Cap’n Cary can take you out for a half or full day Read More
Wasabi’s Whopper Wahoo

Sunday looked perfect, so Wasabi Captain Cary Evarts called his mate Willard Lathrop and said: “Let’s go fishing!” Will said yes and so the guys picked up some ice and headed out through Majuro Bridge. Just moments after setting the lines, zing-zip, they had a fish on. And it was a big one. Together they Read More
Researching our Reefs

...And catching a huge tuna!
Sara Cannon, a Master’s student in the Department of Geography at the University of British Columbia, was in the Marshall Islands for the summer with a team of researchers intent on measuring and photographing reefs. The hope is that when the data is analyzed it could show that reefs closer to the equator are generally Read More
Fishing Around Majuro and Arno

The Marshall Islands is famous for its big game fishing, drawing lovers of the sport from all over the world. Fisherpersons can expect to haul in giant marlin, tuna, wahoo, mahi-mahi and barracuda from the waters around Majuro and Arno. To go out and try your luck, charter Wasabi. Owned by Cary Evarts, Wasabi Read More
Marshalls Billfish Club

The Marshalls Billfish Club hosts regular monthly tournaments and two premier competitions each year: The President’s Cup is in early July, which is the end of the club’s fishing season, with first prize going to the captain who has earned the most points during the year. The other is the international All-Micronesian tournament in late Read More