
Get The Marshall Islands Journal

Get The Marshall Islands Journal

Meet most of the team that has long been the creative muscle that makes up The Marshall Islands Journal and its digital replica, the Journal Online. Every week we email the Journal Online to hundreds and hundreds of subscribers around the world so they can read all of the latest news, opinions, and cartoons, and Read More

Uniting Marshallese

Uniting Marshallese

Do you know of a Marshallese community organization in the US? Or perhaps you know a Marshallese person who acts as an advocate for their community? Glenn Alcalay wants to get in touch with them. Go to … there’s a message area on the home page.   KAREN EARNSHAW Connecting Marshallese across the United States Read More

Bonny Taggart

Bonny Taggart

Remembering RMI

Today’s guest writer for Remembering RMI is Bonny Taggart, who sailed into Majuro with husband Ken on December 9, 2007. They left the Marshall Islands on October 7, 2016. There are so many memories from my nine years in the Marshall Islands, but none fonder than the joy shared with the children at the three Read More

A Dream of Atolls

A Dream of Atolls

A Marshall Islands Portfolio

Described as a “love letter to the islands of his birth,” “A Dream of Atolls” is writer-photographer Floyd K. Takeuchi’s first book about the Marshall Islands comprised solely of photos taken by the veteran journalist. “A Dream of Atolls” is a large coffee table style book that features 26 of Takeuchi’s photographs of Majuro and Read More

Fr. Fran Hezel, SJ

Fr. Fran Hezel, SJ

Remembering RMI

Today’s guest writer for Remembering RMI is Fr. FRAN HEZEL, SJ, who has been a regular visitor to the Marshall Islands since 1965. My first visit to Majuro in 1965 was memorable. On Sundays Fr. Len Hacker would hop in his bus to pick up the Sunday mass-goers and bring them to his porch where Read More

Natalie Nimmer

Natalie Nimmer

Remembering RMI

Today’s guest is NATALIE NIMMER who lived in the RMI between 2002-2011 for a total of six years. A WorldTeach volunteer assigned to Wotje, she later became Vice Principal at Northern Islands High School and then WorldTeach Field Director, Co-op High School Principal, and an adjunct instructor at CMI. In the Fall of 2002, a Read More

Tom Armbruster

Tom Armbruster

Remembering RMI

Today’s Remembering RMI guest writer is former US Ambassador to the Marshall Islands TOM ARMBRUSTER who served in this position from August 2012 to May 2016. My favorite place in the Marshall Islands was anywhere underwater. The first time I saw a shark I knew I had to take my cue from Hiro, RayCrew’s incomparable Read More

MI Journal Now in Color!

MI Journal Now in Color!

The Marshall Islands Journal’s digital version, the Journal Online, is now in full color! The newspaper is celebrating its 50th year and the Journal team thought it fitting to show off a new look. If you would like to stay tuned with everything that’s going on in the Marshall Islands, subscribing to the weekly Journal Read More

Marshall Islands Fixer

Marshall Islands Fixer

If you’re a journalist, consultant, or tourist and would like a fixer (facilitator) for the time you are in the Marshall Islands capital, Majuro, I’m your person! A journalist, photographer, and graphic designer, I have worked in Majuro since 1998 and am a Marshallese citizen. In recent years, I have worked with a number of Read More

RMI-Related Facebook Pages

CLICK ON ‘READ MORE’ TO SEE THE PAGES. There are some great Facebook pages about different aspects of the Marshall Islands. In the hope of making them more accessible to those interested in all things RMI, I have gathered some of the best below. To view recent items in the pages, click on one of Read More