Checking in to Majuro

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Dock your dinghy at the Shoreline

The following is not the official protocol, but merely a suggested way of clearing into the Marshall Islands. NOTE: To download a pdf of the Immigration vessel entry form, scroll to the bottom of the page. This page is also found at Aircraft-Vessel-Arrival-Departure-Form.pdf

Please note that the Immigration division requests that you notify them by email 72 hours in advance of arrival (the published email on the Immigration page is That said, I have found that the email works better. KE August, 2024).

The Marshall Islands capital is (usually) one of the easiest places in the Pacific to clear in, with everything often achieved within an hour of picking up a mooring. On approaching the pass, or shortly after coming through, you are required to attempt to contact the port control on VHF Channel 16. Generally, however, there will be no response. Instead, you can call the cruising fleet on VHF Channel 71 (hailing frequency) and then move to Channel 68 or 72 for conversation and ask for assistance from a fellow sailor.

Their recommendation will most likely be to pick up a suggested mooring (it is allowed for another yacht to assist you onto a mooring but not to board, nor are any items allowed to be handed over) and then go in your dinghy to the RRE (Robert Reimers Enterprises) Shoreline area and tie up to the floating dock.

You can then take a taxi ($2) to Customs, which is in the Finance building (a multi-story, peach-colored building opposite the Marshall Islands Resort). This is about 10 minutes from the Shoreline by taxi. Customs is on the ground floor. Customs will then give you instructions to go to Immigration in the green Mako Building, which is a three-minute walk on the same side of the road. NOTE, KE, January 2025: The Mako Building is being renovated and as of this month, Immigration was one of the only organizations left in the building. It’s expected they will move in the coming weeks/months, so check with the fleet.

Absolutely the best time to arrive in Majuro is during business hours Monday to Friday and not on a public holiday (of which there are quite a number). If you arrive out of hours or on a holiday the officials clearing you in may charge you a fee that is to be paid to the Secretary of Finance at the salmon-colored Finance Office opposite the Marshall Islands Resort.

The overtime fees are usually: Immigration $100, Customs $100, and Quarantine $75. That said, in the last few years there have been no fees (KE January, 2025).

Follows are a few more UNOFFICIAL items related to Immigration/visa rules and the clearing in process (in no particular order):

It’s recommended you contact Immigration at least 72 hours in advance of your arrival: (see above for email alternative). It is usual that you will not receive a reply, but having sent the email you will have proof that you did attempt to contact them.

All American citizens can live and work in RMI without the need of a visa.

There are some varieties on the following theme, but generally non-American cruisers pay $200 for a year’s visa, which is not renewable. This is called by some a “resident visa”.

To contact Customs and Immigration, the country’s area code is 692. Customs: 625-8606, Immigration: 625-8633.


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