Clothing Stores

K&K Island Pride Supermarket in Delap, just next to the Capital Building. Photo: Karen Earnshaw
Quality western clothing is hard to come by in Majuro, but the basics, such as T-shirts, shorts, skirts and tops, can be found in multiple places, such as.
Li’l Party Favors opposite the Bank of Marshall Islands in Uliga, DAR on the oceanside road in Uliga, Division 7-12 on the main road in Uliga, EZ Price Mart in Uliga, Formosa in Uliga and in Delap, east of the Marshall Islands Resort, and Island Pride Supermarket in Delap.
Clothes can also be bought at most ‘mom & pop’ stores (particularly T-shirts and local-style women’s dresses). There are a number of stores that make clothes, particularly the local style of dress. My favorite team of sewers are at DAR.
INSIGHT: I lost my wedding dress, which I wear on every wedding anniversary, when an airline lost our bags. My husband, Cary, bought new handkerchief linen in Seattle, I took it and photos of the dress to DAR, and they recreated the outfit for $58. It is not only a perfect replica, it is also higher quality than the original, which cost me $250!