Marshall Islands Fixer

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German journalist Simon Riesche with Jo Jikum youth. Photo: Karen Earnshaw

German journalist Simon Riesche with youth from the Jo Jikum climate change organization. Photo: Karen Earnshaw

If you’re a journalist, consultant, or tourist and would like a fixer (facilitator) for the time you are in the Marshall Islands capital, Majuro, I’m your person!

A journalist, photographer, and graphic designer, I have worked in Majuro since 1998 and am a Marshallese citizen. In recent years, I have worked with a number of journalists on topics ranging from the nuclear era, to climate change, and health and education issues. But if your topic relates to the Marshalls and I don’t know the who, what, where and why I will be able to find for you the people who do.

I can work with you well in advance of your arrival and set up a schedule of interviews or location ideas, including getting you to any of our many outer islands. Once here, I can work with you at any level you choose. To get a taste of what I do, please see the attached references: Australian Broadcasting Corporation; WeltN24 TV Germany’s Stefan Aust; Yacht Carl Linne.

Here’s a link to one of the stories written by Mark Willacy for Foreign Correspondent: Here’s a link to the show that I helped produce with the Foreign Correspondent team for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation:


The Dome

KEN KASIK: “My whole vision in life was to live on this deserted tropical South Pacific island. Watch out what you tell the Lord!” [laughs] MARK WILLACY: America tried to bury its toxic legacy here on a remote coral atoll. MICHAEL GERRARD: They covered it over with an 18-inch-thick dome and left.

For more information about me and my husband, visit the About Us page.
