Downtown Moorings
The downtown area of Majuro has two mooring fields, commonly known as the Southern and Northern fields.
The Northern Field is owned by Robert Reimers Enterprises (RRE).Phone (692) 625-3250.

The southern mooring field with Uliga dock to the left and EZ Price Mart to the right. Photo: Westward II.
The Southern Field’s moorings are owned variously by three people: Matt Holly: (692) 455-5567 Ben Chutaro: (692) 625-8321 or 625-2256 Cary Evarts: (692) 455-3044 The cost of these moorings ranges from $1 to $3 a day. (Click on the photos to see the larger images.)
The Mieco Beach Yacht Club owns a mooring off the Marshall Islands Resort. It costs $1 a day on a monthly basis. Because this buoy is used as part of the race start line, it is required that anyone renting this mooring be off it during the race (or host the race committee).
The Mieco Beach Yacht Club maintains a series of moorings off two popular islands in the lagoon: Enemanet Island and Eneko Island. These moorings are free for Mieco Beach Yacht Club members and were installed using a generous grant from the Small Grants program of the United Nations Development Program. The moorings are available on a first come, first serve basis, but it would be appreciated if a yacht wants to stay semi-permanently on one of the moorings that they would move at the weekends to allow people who work during the week to use them. The web master, Karen Earnshaw, wrote an article for the Seven Seas Cruising Association about the Majuro Reef Protection Mooring Project. Click here to read the story ‘Moor is Better’ (it’s a 1.9MB pdf): SSCA Bulletin Majuro Mooring Project. Click here to see the pdf of the sheet that is provided in the Yokwe package which is provided to new cruisers to Majuro: Free moorings in Majuro.
Here are the coordinates for the Enemanet and Eneko mooring fields:
Enemanet: N 07˚07.695′ x E 171˚18.582′
Eneko: N 07˚08.877′ x E 171˚16.916′