The Value of Visiting Yachts

The Value of Visiting Yachts

By KAREN EARNSHAW A study on the economic impact of the yachting industry in Fiji has revealed the tourism side-industry contributes about US$30 million to the country’s economy annually.  The study stated that, significantly, while yachting tourism doesn’t boast large numbers of arrivals, cruising is one of the “highest yielding tourism segments with annual average Read More

Mieco Beach Yacht Club

Mieco Beach Yacht Club

The Mieco Beach Yacht Club was founded in late 2003 by a group of cruisers and a resort manager for two main reasons: To give the cruisers ‘something to do’ when they’re in RMI, but not visiting the outer atolls, and to attract cruisers to RMI. Check out the club’s site:, which has a Read More

Meaning of Atoll Names

Meaning of Atoll Names

The English spelling of the word ‘marshall’ (as opposed to the American spelling of one ‘l’) means an officer connected to public security or, as a verb, to gather together a group of people. The islands are named after the British captain John Marshall, of the HMS Scarborough, who charted much of the island group Read More