Taking a Taxi

Taxis are an easy way to get around Majuro. This taxi is pictured starring in the feature movie Jilel. Photo: Karen Earnshaw.
The cheapest way to get around town is by hopping in a taxi. A ride between Rita and the bridge costs $2 per person. You share the cab with others. You can indicate how many passengers by holding up the relevant number of fingers. If the driver flashes his lights, he’s full. Rides that go over the bridge cost $3 to $5. Downtown to the airport is usually $5, but it’s best to ask before getting in as very occasionally the driver may attempt a much higher rate. I recommend you don’t use a taxi to get to Laura (it’s $20 or more); instead either catch a bus or hire a car.
Meanwhile, being able to be a taxi driver is a bonus for Marshallese who otherwise would not be able to find a job in the tight employment market. While it’s a cheap way to get around, a driver can still make a reasonable amount for a day’s work.
INSIGHT: Majuro’s taxi drivers are all guys, with the exception of three women that I rode with in 2024.