RMI Through Logan’s Lens

RMI Through Logan’s Lens

April, 2018: This glorious photo (left) of Majuro recently went viral on social media but, sadly, there was no name attached to the shot. But after a bit of hunting, and a nice dose of help from friends, the photographer has been found: It’s Jamison Logan, a young man who teaches sixth grade at the Read More

Kwaj Tourney Winners

Kwaj Tourney Winners

Team Jambo (aka PII) took out first place in the First Place Total Pounds in the 77th Kwajalein Day 2021 First Memorial Fishing Derby held on February 12 and 13. Larry Hernandez kindly shared the video with this site. The winning team consisted of: Captain Kenneth Kramer, Chief Mate Joseph Bigler, Fishing Master Joseph ‘Jojo’ Read More

SV Kwai at work in RMI

SV Kwai at work in RMI

After the RMI Cabinet approved the purchase of the passenger and cargo vessel SV Kwai.,Marshall Islands Shipping Corporation General Manager Danny Wase said he was very happy to welcome the Kwai into the RMI fleet: “Yes, I am happy, particularly as she is expected to play an important role in the promotion of our strive for a safer environment through the Read More

Fight for Climate Justice

Fight for Climate Justice

Highly recommended viewing! Thanks to the Thomson Reuters Foundation for sharing. Karen The Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean are sinking because of climate change. Litokne Kabua, a 17-year-old climate activist, is part of a global youth movement fighting to save his own home and the rest of the world.Watch the full film ‘Young Lives Read More

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