Sustainable Fishing in RMI

The Marine Stewardship Council* is telling the world about the eight countries that make up the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA), which includes the Marshall Islands. On a post it states: “Covering just over 70 square miles of land, this small island nation could more accurately be called a big ocean state. In their Read More
Marshall Islands Timeline

A chronology of key events: Note: Thanks go to the BBC which put together the great majority of this timeline. Their version ended in 2016 so I have added the following years. circa 2000 BC: First Micronesian navigators arrive in the Marshall Islands, naming the atolls Aelon Kein Ad – “our islands”. They are skilled Read More
Marshall Islands Anthem

Making a video of youth singing the Marshallese National Anthem has been a long-held dream … Now it’s a reality thanks to six young ladies who kindly performed the Marshall Islands National Anthem for this website. So here’s a big komol tata to Andrea deBrum, Tolynn Lait, Unaisi Kuilamu, Jasmine Langrine, Mine David, and Bosseline Read More