Dar Dancers

After years of wowing the crowds with their Polynesian performances, the Dar Dancers are embracing their own culture and have a number of stunning Marshallese routines that include Marshallese flags and amimono fans. The group performed at the recent state dinner for the ROC President Tsai Ing-wen. The dancers’ leader, Salome Andrike, said “The Taiwanese Ambassador was very impressed Read More
Watch Zori

Watch Zori, the ‘big’ short film from Jack Niedenthal’s Microwave Films. It was made in 2013.
Your Human Rights

The Pacific Community Human Rights and Social Development Division asked Microwave Film’s Jack Niedenthal to make a short film on Human Rights. To do this they chose to use children to tell the story using three languages: Marshallese, English and sign language. The children who star in the locally-produced video Your Human Rights — Jimwe Read More
Toeak Bar & Grill

Established in 2021, the Toeak Bar & Grill has one of the best views of any restaurant in Majuro. This is because it sits on the fifth floor of the NAPA building near Uliga Dock. From the expansive windows and lanai, you can see both the ocean and the lagoon as well as the layout Read More