Bonny Taggart

Bonny Taggart

Remembering RMI

Today’s guest writer for Remembering RMI is Bonny Taggart, who sailed into Majuro with husband Ken on December 9, 2007. They left the Marshall Islands on October 7, 2016. There are so many memories from my nine years in the Marshall Islands, but none fonder than the joy shared with the children at the three Read More

The Presidents’ Teacher

The Presidents’ Teacher

The woman who taught three RMI Presidents including Dr. Hilda Heine.

The Arrival of Missionaries

The Arrival of Missionaries

An interesting look at the arrival … and departure … of the first missionaries in the Marshall Islands.

The Nudibranchs of Majuro

The Nudibranchs of Majuro

Amateur scientists find beautiful creatures in Majuro lagoon

For the past few years, two teams of yachtie amateur scientists have been exploring and photographing some of the incredible biodiversity in the Majuro Lagoon, focusing especially on very small creatures living in the tidal cuts. John and Lynette Flynn on the boat White Hawk and Ken Cone and Beth Van Zummeren on Eagle’s Wings Read More

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