Historic Dive Sites

Historic Dive Sites

Years ago, World War II buff Matt Holly made a number of historic dive sites in the Marshall Islands’ atolls. These were mostly done in the late 1990s for the RMI Historic Preservation Office, but still have some relevance. Click on the relevant pdf to start the download. Matt Holly Kwajalein Underwater Report Matt Holly Read More

Dive Permit

Dive Permit

The Historic Preservation Office, found in the Alele Museum and Library building next to the Court House, requires all divers to pay for a one-year dive permit ($50). Even with this permit, some atolls have other fees. These include Bikini and Wotje.

Traditional Navigation Chant

Traditional Navigation Chant

The late Lijon Eknilang, a master navigator from Rongelap Atoll, performs a traditional Marshallese navigation chant. To learn more about Marshallese canoes and traditional navigation, visit the Waan Aelon in Majel site.

Setting Sail on Ailuk 1

Dave and Linda Allen of the yacht Irish Melody captured this series of launching a canoe on the beach at Ailuk Atoll.

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