Morning Comes So Soon

Morning Comes So Soon

“The film grabs you and before you know it you’re on a roller coaster ride…Excitement and fun turns to crisis, calamity and tears…”Giff Johnson, Marshall Islands Journal Made in 2008, Morning Comes So Soon is a love story about a Marshallese boy and a Chinese girl. It was the first feature film made in the Read More

National Health Issues

National Health Issues

Population: 53,158 (2011 census) Life Expectancy: 72.03 years (2012 data) Life Expectancy male: 69.92 years (2012 data) Life Expectancy female: 74.25 years (2012 data) Infant Mortality (per 1000 live births): 22.93 (2011 data) Total Births 2002: 1,355 (of these, 239 were to teenagers Blood: There is no blood bank at Majuro Hospital so when people Read More

Country Info

Country Info

Climate: The year-round average daily temperature is 80.4 degrees Fahrenheit. While generally hot, cooling northeast trade winds blow for most of the year. The southern atolls generally get more rain than the northern atolls. The wet season is ‘usually’ from May to November. The Marshall Islands rarely sees big winds, with the worst usually coming Read More


The Marshall Islands hosts a large number of religions and a majority of people attend church on a regular basis. The following are details for a range of the churches (the international code for RMI is 692): Assembly/ies of God: Delap Deacons’ office (phone) 625-5675 (fax) 625-4090; Ajeltake Church 528-2868Assumption Catholic Church: Church Office (phone) Read More

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