Ailuk FAD

Ailuk FAD

The Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority is working on a long-term project to place Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) off many of the outer islands to attract ocean-going pelagic fish such as marlin, tuna and mahi-mahi and make it easier for the islanders to catch these fish. The following is the statement from MIMRA about their latest Read More

Wasabi’s for Sale

Wasabi’s for Sale

Fishing/dive boat for sale: Wasabi is 26ft, has a Cummins diesel shaft drive, pilot house, and comes with an aluminum trailer. The price is $45,000 or best offer. Contact Cary caryevarts @ (no spaces). Wasabi is perfect for fishing and diving in and around Majuro and Arno and has done a number of trips Read More

Delicious Chicken Dishes

Delicious Chicken Dishes

While grocery shopping in Majuro sometimes has its challenges, the ingredients in these recipes are pretty much always available, particularly at K&K and Payless. Enjoy!

College of the Marshall Islands

College of the Marshall Islands

This video by the CMI Media Club was made to coincide with a virtual visit to the College of the Marshall Islands by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges in March, 2021. It is both a tour of the campus and an information-packed video. By KAREN EARNSHAW* February, 2021: The College of the Marshall Read More

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