The Acronym Jungle

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While you were away, the MIJ reported that MEC had a power outage, MWSC upped the water days to seven, MISSA won a case in court, water flooded the ECC, and, FYI, I’ve switched my money from BOG to BOMI.

The Waan Aelon in Majel Visitors Center.

The Waan Aelon in Majel (WAM) Visitors Center. Photo: Karen Earnshaw

Acronym heaven: One aspect that’s extremely likely to send you up a tree in your first week in Majuro is the locals’ love for acronyms, many of which turn conversations into a pile of mumbo-jumbo. A case in point would be the following conversation:

Bloke A: “I just got in on AMI and have to be at WAM (its Visitors Center pictured) by one for a meeting. After that you can find me at the MIC.”

Bloke B: “While you were away, the MIJ reported that MEC had a power outage, MWSC upped the water days to seven, MISSA won a case in court, water flooded the ECC, and, FYI, I’ve switched my money from BOG to BOMI.” Bloke A: “Don’t bore me with the details. Just be sure to order me a G&T to have with my IQ when I see you in the pm.”

Acronym babble is so confusing, the following is the incomplete guide to letter-joining in RMI:

ADB: Asian Development Bank

AG: Attorney General or Auditor General

AHS: Assumption High School

AMI: Air Marshall Islands

AOG: Assembly of God

BOG: Bank of Guam

BOMI: Bank of Marshall Islands

CIA: Ministry of Cultural and Internal Affairs

CMI: College of the Marshall Islands

DAR: Cafe on the back road in Uliga (formerly Dominick Auto Rental)

DES: Delap Elementary School (plus, for example, RES for Rita Elementary, etc.)

ECC: Educational and Cultural Center

EPA: Environmental Protection Authority

EPPSO: Economic Policy Planning & Statistics Office

FAA: Federal Aviation Administration (US)

FAMI: Filipino Association Marshall Islands

ICC: International Convention Center (next to the Capital Building)

MALGov: Majuro Atoll Local Government (plus, for example, RALGov for Rongelap, etc.)

MBC: Marshalls Billfish Club

MBC: Marshalls Broadcasting Company

MEC: Marshalls Energy Company

MIC: Marshall Islands Club

MICNGOs: Marshall Islands Council of Non-Government Organizations

MIHS: Marshall Islands High School

MIJ: Marshall Islands Journal

MIMRA: Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority

MIPA: Marshall Islands Ports Authority

MIR: Marshall Islands Resort

MISSA: Marshall Islands Social Security Administration

MJCC: Marshalls Japan Construction Company (Yamaha dealer)

MOE: Ministry of Education, Sports and Training

MOHHS: Ministry of Health and Human Services

MST: Majuro Stevedore & Terminal Co.

MWSC: Majuro Water and Sewer Company

NCT: Nuclear Claims Tribunal

NRC: Ministery of Natural Resources and Commerce

NTA: National Telecommunications Authority

NTC: National Training Council

OCIT: Office of Commerce & Tourism

PII: Pacific International Inc.

PSC: Public Service Commission

PWIU: Ministry of Public Works, Infrastructure and Information

RMI: Republic of the Marshall Islands

ROC: Republic of China (Taiwan)

RRE: Robert Reimers Enterprises

SDA: Seventh Day Adventists

TCIT: Ministry of Transportation, Communication and Information

USP: University of the South Pacific

WAM: Waan Aelon in Majel (Canoes of the Marshall Islands)

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