The Bilgewater Band
There’s always a few musicians in the cruiser fleet … and 2016 is no exception. I shot this video of The Bilgewater Band at a mini-concert held at RRE Hotel. The performers are Don Moore of Windryder, David Mason of Navire, and Larry Jones of Tribute.

Dar Dancers
After years of wowing the crowds with their Polynesian performances, the Dar Dancers are embracing their own culture and have a number of stunning Marshallese routines that include Marshallese flags and amimono fans. The group performed at the recent state dinner for the ROC President Tsai Ing-wen. The dancers' leader, Salome Andrike, said…
In "Dance"

Helping Dismasted Yacht Windryder
The following story first appeared in the Marshall Islands Journal's July 15, 2016, issue. "At around 6:30 pm on 7/7/16 our forward stay broke taking our mast with it. I worked till 9 to release it to Davey Jones’ locker. Our jib was still in the water so I couldn't run…
In "Sailing Stories"

Lañinbwil’s Gift
"Jack Niedenthal and Suzanne Chutaro have successfully brought the Marshall Islands into the realm of global cinema - and the film world is a richer place thanks to their distinctive efforts." --Phil Hall, Film Threat, July 2011 Lañinbwil's Gift is the story of Jacob, an old island man with a complicated secret. When…
In "Locally-Made Movies"