Canoes of the Marshalls

Olli-Pekka and Auli Ollila from Kangasala, Finland, enjoy a ride on a WAM canoe with their grandson Gideon, who was born in Majuro and was adopted by Mikko and JoAnn Ollila, who live in Seattle, US. The grandparents verdict: “We loved it!” Photo: Karen Earmsjaw
Waan Aelõñ in Majel (Canoes of the Marshall Islands) is based in Delap, just west of the Marshall Islands Resort. The grassroots non-profit, non-government organization known as WAM trains Marshall Islands youth based on the traditions of the Marshallese canoe.
Sail on a canoe: Have the ride of your life on a traditional Marshallese canoe. Again, stop by their office or give them a call on (692) 625-6123. Try and book your voyage when the tide is high, making it easier to get the canoes into the water. Click here to check local tides from NOAA.
Training programs: WAM provides vocational and life skills training to youth-at-risk using the medium of traditional outrigger canoes, boat building, carpentry and woodworking. The program links the new generation with the old, working together to keep this unique aspect of Marshallese culture alive, while simultaneously addressing serious social problems affecting youth in Marshallese society.
Visitors Center: WAM has a small but effective Visitors Center that acts as a mini-museum of all things related to canoes. It’s open during business hours. Just go to the WAM office, upstairs in the main building behind the A-frame workshop, and ask for a tour. While there, check out the handmade products for sale and WAM’s great T-shirts.
WAM Mission: The WAM mission is to work with youth, their families and the local and international community to perpetuate and safeguard Marshallese culture and tradition through canoe building and sailing, and through this cultural linkage develop life skills and modern work skills that create meaning in the lives of all participants.