Yacht Club Burgee Swap

The Mieco Beach Yacht Club’s burgee* is now amongst the hundreds of yacht club flags that are hung in the Waikiki Yacht Club in Honolulu. MBYC’s Vice Commodore Cary Evarts and the WYC’s Membership Coordinator Lynette Duque followed the sailing tradition of swapping burgees on November 10, 2022.
Lynette and other club officials were happy to receive the Marshall Islands addition to their burgee collection, particularly as Lynette has fond memories of the late Imata Kabua, the second President of RMI. “He often came with a delegation or family to the club,” she said, adding that he would often buy a WYC shirt from the club’s boutique. Also well-remembered by Lynette is Majuro’s Kirt Pinho, who over the years has spent many enjoyable hours at the club’s bar and restaurant.
Members of the Mieco Beach Yacht Club have reciprocal rights to use the WYC’s facilities.
* A burgee is a flag bearing the colors or emblem of a sailing club. Burgees are usually triangular.